
Flera test!! Woooow tycker såna e SÅ kuliga!!

Hittade dom som vanligt hos mitt Majskorn.... Test 1 kan du hitta här och Test 2 här!

How well do you know the 90s?

You are definitely a 90s child!
You grew up, lived in, breathed in and out the 90s. You remember the old nickelodeon logos, owned a furby and tamagotchi, watched the prince of Bel-Air and Beverly Hills 90210. Aaah... Those were the days...

Ja vad säger man hehe.

Nästa test:

What Your Favorite Color Black Says About You:

Timeless --- Stylish --- Sophisticated
Overpowering --- Intimidating --- Dominant
Perfectionist --- Controlling --- Competent

What Does Your Favorite Color Say About You?

Hmm om detta stämde vet jag ej... jag gillar färgen svart men jag är varken dominant, perfektionist, kontrollerande eller skrämmande... tycker jag själv iaf hehe! Det andra har jag inget emot att vara jue haha!

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